Central Lancashire

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Cider POTY 2018

Go to previous winner: Cider POTY 2017. Go to next winner: Cider POTY 2019.

Haighton Manor

The Haighton Manor, Haighton was the holder of the CAMRA Central Lancashire branch's Cider Pub of the Year award for 2018.

The destination of the award was decided at the committee meeting held at the Leyland Lion, Leyland, on February 12th 2018.

Haighton Manor Ciders A presentation took place on Thursday May 10th 2018, with a mini-bus being arranged to transport a good number of local CAMRA members to the pub. For cider drinkers there was an excellent choice on the night (see blackboard on the right), with 13 different ciders being on sale - all at £2.25 a pint, half their normal price. Pictured below, and about to receive the Cider Pub of the Year certificate is Haighton Manor manager Chris Humphries, along with the branch's Cider Co-ordinator Luke Harrison (centre), and Branch Chairman Dave Bell.

Haighton Manor Cider POTY